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There is one essential part of the home that often gets taken for granted and yet, we all use it numerous times a day. What is it? The toilet! Did you know that on average a person will flush the toilet 2500 times each year? With this in mind, shouldn’t we take at least some time to keep it well maintained? Here are a couple of toilet maintenance suggestions:

Have a check of the toilet bowl and look for any signs of damage. If the porcelain is chipped or cracked, this can become a problem. A home inspector will even list a toilet as faulty if it has this type of damage.

The toilet flush can tell you a lot about how well the toilet is working. Go through your home and flush each toilet, then observe how long it takes for the tank to fill up again. If you notice it is taking more time than usual, some maintenance may be required. The same can be said for a toilet that takes more time than normal to flush.

Continuous running water into the toilet is another common problem. Perhaps it is something you don’t even notice anymore, however, it could be costing you money, not to mention wasting precious water. This is an even greater problem if your home uses well water as it puts extra strain on the pump.

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